
Crafter that loves to knit!

Here is my journey into what I love to do!

When I was little my mom was a crocheter, knitter, quilter and could sew anything that you could put in front of her. Me on the other hand wanted NOTHING to do with any of that... (I know right!). Those 70's crochet ponchos were no joke!!!

Fast forward about 20 years, I was married and had two kids of my own. I always dabbled in crafting but was not that heavy into it. So one day my daughter came home from school telling me about a crochet purse her teacher had made. I was like that's cool, she was kind of upset with me because I didn't share the same excitement that she did about it. I kid you not she looked me dead in the face and said "but you can't crochet". I looked at her and said "game on". So that night we went out and I bought a starter kit for knitting and crochet. And let me tell you those books were of no help at all to begin with. So YouTube was my new best friend. I picked up knitting faster than crochet. Crochet frustrated me at first because I have to count every stitch on every row, and those first few projects looked awful. But my wonderful husband loved what I made (I men they were really, really BAD) and wore the scarf and hat everywhere. But after a lot of practice and trial and error I came to love both equally.

I enjoyed making handmade items and gifting them to teachers, friends and family members. I have always wanted to start my own shop but I never had the nerve to start one up. But recently my daughter encouraged me to go after my dream and start up Libbey Mae. Plus I have a slight (my daughter says MAJOR) addiction to making hats AND buying yarn!! So now that my kids are grown and have moved on with their lives I needed to find something to do with my free time I decided to make my little shop happen. Welcome to LibbeyMae Crafts!

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